Be A Sponsor

How can you help?
The Necessary Stage relies heavily on corporate sponsorship for our survival, without which we would not be able to create new works nor fulfill many of our programmes.Corporate sponsorship may be in the form of cash sponsorship or in kind. Both are a huge boost to us and make a difference in what we can achieve.Corporate sponsors get returns in terms of acknowledgements and billings in our publicity material, complimentary tickets, invitations to our productions and gala night receptions, and in some cases, discounts on our ticket prices for your customer base. Corporate sponsors who provide monetary sponsorship also qualify for tax deductions. We also nominate all cash and in-kind sponsors for the Patron of the Arts Award by the National Arts Council each year.Being associated with the arts and actively supporting our development can help you reach your target market, inspire your workforce through creativity, and reinforce your brand’s positive impact to the community. We would be happy to speak to you about tailoring sponsorship benefits to suit your business objectives.
For more information, please contact General Manager Melissa Lim at Tel: (65) 6440 8115 or email
Triangle Project
The Triangle Project was started in 1992 with the aim of providing opportunities for the less privileged to watch theatre. The Necessary Stage matches donors and charities with sponsors, whose cash sponsorship is used to buy tickets to our productions for the beneficiaries.
This scheme has proven to be very successful and numerous beneficiaries from voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs) have experienced theatre as a result.
Previous beneficiaries of The Triangle Project include: The Tent, Grace Haven, Singapore Cheshire Home, SINDA, Muhamadiyah Welfare Home, Jamiyah Home for the Aged, Boys’ Town, various Family Service Centres, Society of the Physically Disabled and Action for AIDS.
For more information on how you can be a sponsor for the Triangle Project, please contact General Manager Melissa Lim at Tel: (65) 6440 8115 or email
Financial Information
For basic information about our financial standing, please click